Cheif Managing Director

Karun Kaura

We are Alchemists, blending historical tastes with modern desire. Our quest environs to permeate all around the globe for the spirit vintage, we distil. Our solemn purpose is to refine the finest spirits with unique blends and bizarre ingredients to create an amalgamation of absolute excellence.

Our company affirms in building and developing strategies with the persistent approach and an inherent foresightedness and passion. We poise and probate on a monostich that the purity of a beverage is the most ratified strategy to proper in the world of liquor. Every spirit that we create subsumes devouring and unique ingredients that's why our brands are notorious for the distinct savoury.

Until the end of time, an alchemist needs enthuse to blend different aromas as one, for creation, we believe in catalysis and our firm philosophy plus resolution. We endeavour to triumph over the savours and trust for connoisseurs and spur them over recurrence.

Mr Karun Kaura is the CMD of Kaya Spirits hailing from the academic background of legal studies had successfully endorsed his business corporation over seven international countries and 21 states of India.

He glances tribulations as opportunity and challenges it for resolution. Not only that, Mr Kaura has always worked in creative, sense provoking and stimulating environment that garnished his skills to the contemporary inspiration.

Honors& Acknowledgments

  • Honored and awarded with International Excellence Award in April 2017 for Quality manufacturing of spirits at Goa, India.
  • Awarded with Bharat Jyoti Award from Hon'ble Shri. Shivraj.V. Patil ,Former Speaker LokSabha, Union Minister and Governor of Punjab at New Delhi, India on 23rd april 2017.
  • Awarded with Asia Pacific Excellence Award by Hon'ble Shri. Ram BaranYadav, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal at Kathmandu, Nepal on 16th June 2017.
  • Awarded with Dr. APJ Abdul Excellence Award for Outstanding Individual achievements & Distinguished Services to the nation by Hon'ble Shri. Shivraj V. Patil, Former Speaker LokSabha, Union Home Minister& Governor of Punjab on 15th October 2017 at New Delhi, India.
  • Awarded with Global Achievers Award by Hon'ble Shri. Navdeep Singh Suri, Ambassador of India to United Arab Emirates on 20th January 2018 at Dubai.

Supplementary Skillset

  • Hailing from a strong background of law and well experienced in higher education in this branch, with advanced knowledge of the law community. Mr.Kaura has successfully promoted non-governmental colleges and universities in India for courses in industry collaboration. (2006-2009)
  • Excellent media experience with well-established public relations and fluent communication skills. Constructed a brilliant repute as a media guru, a media strategist with a difference with his expertise in effectively planning and managing both print and electronic media.
  • Outstanding as a political counsellor and advisor and have assisted many aspiring politicians to rise in the world of politics.
  • Possesses immense expertise in management of constituency and enhance win percentage of contestants. Have further contributed towards the political world by building survey reports on voters' constituency, organizing political sessions with the youth and voters.
  • Impressively skilled in helping an individual ace the race of politics by discussing, dissecting and banking on latest issues to draw the winning votes.
  • Worked as Media Advisor to CM / Ex. CM candidate and has been contributing efforts majorly in Media Managing other political related services, has received a thorough insight and marvelous experience while campaigning for votes on candidate's behalf in the loksabha and VidhanSabha elections of 2014 in Punjab.
  • Was monitoring Media activities, Press and Media liasoning, online and offline election campaigns and offering political advice to those who needed so.


  • International Council for student welfare (Section 25 Government Licensed Company)
  • International Council for Student Welfare is mainly formed for helping poor and meritorious students to study and accomplish their educational objectives carve himself a suitable career and he has formed a private college for children and young adults.

Core Business Value

  • Respect of investors' money and ensure best industry returns.

  • Promote inclusive growth.